Space thermal protection

Explore how MicroSATE Go_Comfort® technology revolutionizes thermal protection in construction and industry.

It is a membrane composed of millions of thermoceramic microspheres of various diameters in a microscopic range (20 to 120 micrometers), bonded together by a special water-based binder. After application, once dried, the membrane polymerizes to become a structure of approximately 0.5 to 0.8 mm thickness, elastic and dense but permeable to water vapor.

Technology used by space agencies to protect components and some external surfaces of spacecraft against very high temperatures (over 2000°C) that they must endure during re-entry into the Earth’s atmosphere. This technology serves as the starting point for the creation of the MicroSATE Go_Comfort® system, which adapts these products for use in the construction and industrial sectors, with the guarantee of efficiency and innovation in thermal protection endorsed by the use of space agencies.

MicroSATE Go_Comfort® can be used on facades, roofs, and interiors of both buildings and private residences, and its industrial application is also highly suitable. Each solution in the range is specifically developed to adapt its characteristics to each use and to each material it is applied to (metal, concrete, wood…).